March 2025
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Another perfect stargazing night

Observing report, dark sky weekend, October, 2009, Chuckwalla Bench

A perfect night begins with Earth's shadow climbing in the east

One one side of the green van is the Imaging zone

On the other side of the green van is the visual observing zone

When the clear sky chart reads perfect, we can’t wait to get [...]

First Nations Astronomy - seeing the Cree and Ojibway Sky

Wilfred Buck at NYAA Starfest 2009

Ochek Atchakosuk – The Fisher Stars

Atima Atchakosuk – the dog stars with Polaris, Mihkun Atchakos, the wolf star

Matootisan – The Sweat Lodge

Matootisan Assiniuk – Sweat Lodge Rocks

Niska flying in the Summer Bird's Path (Milky Way)

Atchakosuk are the spirit lights up above. “All people [...]

LCROSS impact in crater Cabeus October 09 2009

Rough sketch of LCROSS impact area

finished sketch of Cabeus and environs

E. A. Whitaker 1954 sketch

Mojo and I started to setup his 14.5-inch f/4.8 Litebox reflector at 3:30 a.m. on LCROSS impact morning. There were marine layer clouds at that hour, but by the time we were set up it was clear [...]

9/11/09 My view of shuttle Discovery landing

Look for the shuttle to the right of the contrail in my photo (click on the image for full res version)

Shuttle and ground in one image. This photo and the rest of these photos courtesy of Gary Spiers

Space shuttle Discovery

Touchdown – twin dustplumes from gear touching down

Parachute deploys

NASADryden tweeted at [...]

The Big Eye Candy Mountains

Public star party at Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

Our tent and telescopes, OSP, Ochoco National Forest, OR

I was inspired to hum this old hobo ballad and change the words a little
after a summer observing trip to Glacier Point in Yosemite National
Park. For you musicologists, I added my “observations” to the 1928
recording of Big [...]

Chasing Galileo - 17/18-day old moon

Eighteen-day moon

The moon rises later each evening now. That means a late night for sketchers. Luckily my small 70mm Televue Ranger on a telepod mount requires no setup. I keep it permanently set up in the garage.

The features I’ve sketched on the 18-day moon begin with sunset on Mare Crisium – on the terminator [...]

Chasing Galileo: Jupiter and Neptune in the same field of view

Galileo noted a fixt star (at left), now known to be Neptune on this sketch from December 28, 1612

Skymap Pro chart of Jupiter and Neptune (the square at left), December 28, 1612

My sketch of Neptune with Jupiter and the Galilean moons

Galileo made the first recorded observation of Neptune in 1612 when Neptune [...]

The Harry Potter Objects - a year-round literary stargazing project

It’s just a few days until Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, ‘Part 2′ opens, so I am updating my literary stargazing project. I even added a few new objects to the list. So head up to the astronomy tower at your own Hogwarts and look up into the summer night sky. [...]

Chasing Galileo - fourteen-day moon

fourteen-day (full) moon

The full moon rises as the sun sets on the 14th day of the lunar month. A small telescope, such as the 70mm f.8.7 Televue Ranger I’m using for this series of sketches is a perfect instrument for full moon viewing. So are binoculars. The moon is [...]

Chasing Galileo – Head of Orion cluster

Galileo’s Head of Orion cluster

Jane’s Head of Orion cluster

Astrophoto of Orion Head cluster by Morris Jones

Map of the constellation Orion

Galileo looked at the fuzzy patch surrounding the head of Orion through a telescope, and resolved many starts not previously known. He called it Nebulosa Orionis.

Look between the shoulder stars Betelgeuse and [...]